Contains 20,000 individuals described by 23 attributes (e.g., gender, age). We have removed individuals with missing attributes and reduced sample size to 20,000 from 30,000.
Label is Default Payment (1:yes; 0:no).
Sensitive feature is Education Degree. We have binarized the original value (1:graduate school; 2:university; 3:high school; 4:others) into (1:lower education) if it is <=3 and (0:higher education) otherwise (as done in The Price of Fair PCA: One Extra dimension)
creditcarddefault.csv is the data set; each row is an individual; the 24th column is label; the 3th column is sensitive feature.
creditdefault_index.csv contains 50 random shuffles of individual indicies; each row is a random shuffle.
Communities and Crime Data Set
Contains 1,993 communities described by 101 attributes (e.g., population, household size).
Label is Crime Rate (1:high; 0:low).
Sensitive feature is Percentage of African American Residents. We have binarized the original value into (1:high) if it is >=50% and (0:low) otherwise.
crimecommunity.csv is the data set; each row is a community; the 101th column is label; the 1th column is sensitive feature.
crimecommunity_index.csv contains 50 random shuffles of community indicies.
Contains 16,000 defendents described by 16 attributes (e.g., sex, ethnic).
Label is Risk of Recidivism (1:high; 0:low).
Sensitive feature is Race (1:black; 0:white).
compas.csv is the data set; each row is a defendant; the 16th column is label; the 15th column is sensitive feature.
compas_index.csv contains 50 random shuffles of defendant indicies.
This webpage is maintained by Austin Okray (